3DMaker 3DMaker2 3DShadow 3dsphere 3DTransform 4wa ABeveller Abstractor acidwtfl ADropShadow Advancedgray Advancedgray2 Aetherize Aetherize-180 64bit Aetherize-180 afhbevel afhBevel2a afhbevel2b afhbevel2c afhbevel30 AfhFM04Beta7 AFHspaz1 AFHspaz2 Aggravator AGreyArea AHalo Alienmist ALightningMaker AlphaWorks Anaglyph Flip-120 Anaglyph Flip-150 64 antalias AntiGhost-120 AntiGhost-150 64bit APuddles Artgrain ArtiFactor Artifax ArtisticEffects Artworx AShapeCutter atatomic Atmosphe Average AWarper Baddream Bilateral Blin Blursharpen Boss Emboss Boss Emboss-150 64bit Boss Emboss-150 Button Button2 Button Mode Caravaggio Changedarkshoes Changeshoes Channelmod ChannelPort ChromaSolarize-120 ChromaSolarize-150 64 Circle To Square Circle To Square 64bit Clarity Classicalhalftonedemo Cleanupdemo Clouds clrshadw Color Halftone Colorbars ColorCube Colorreplacer ColourWorks conshaman Contrast ContrastMask ConvoLine CropPhotos Crystallize Cubism defocus ct De-Interlace Deinterlacer Demitone 25-120 |
Demitone 25-150 64 Demitone 50-120 Demitone 50-150 64 DetailerDemo di Diffglow Diffuse difnoise discolit Displace DitherBx dotcross DotVross drag Drunkenness Duochrome Duplicate Layer eadlite EdgeDetection2 edgedtct EdgeWorks Edittran Elimblac Elimwhit Elimwhit2 EmbossWorks Emphasis entrelac ExtractPlus Extrude Fatdead ffa03gal ffa09gal ffa18gal Ffactory ffb03gal ffb04gal ffb05gal ffb12gal ffc01gal ffc03gal ffc07gal ffd17gal ffd20gal ffe01gal ffe06gal ffe07gal ffe08gal ffe09gal ffe12gal ffe17gal ffe18gal ffe20gal Ffexamp fff05gal ffg13gal ffg15gal ffg19gal ffh15gal ffj14gal ffn06gal Fibers Fillframe F. Forge Metals F. Forge PhotoEffect F. Forge Frames F. Forge Distortions Filter Gallery Flatten Flexify-260 64bit Flexify-260 Flood Flood-140 64bit Flood-140 fmnewton5c fotoframe fritillary Fuzzifier Ghost-120 Ghost-150 64bit Glare-180 64bit Glare-180 glass Glaze Glitterato |
Glitterato-130 64 Glitterato-130 Grapeify Gray from Blue-120 Gray from Blue-150 64 Gray from Green-120 Gray from Grn-150 64 Gray from Red-120 Gray from Red-150 64 Greyscaler Greytinter GRLENS13 gwaffle GX1_Blur_Fuzzy GX2_Color_SolarFire GX3_Color_PercentAdd GX4_Smear_CircSmudge GX5_Noise_Phazed GX6_Noise_BlurNoise GX7_Util_VertStretch GX8_Smear_Cut GX9_Noise_Crossing GX_Color_Gothic Halfwrap HarrysFilters headlite hg houdini HSBHSL HSL to RGB-120 HSL to RGB-150 64 Hue and Cry Hue and Cry-150 64 Hue and Cry-150 HueRestorer Humanoid Illustrator Impressionist Improver India Ink India Ink-1993 64 India Ink-1993 inkrubbr inlinetv Invertcolor Iridium Irradiate Kindofinvert Kinetics Kyoto Color-120 Kyoto Color-150 64 Lab to RGB-120 Lab to RGB-150 64 Lacquer-180 64bit Lacquer-180 laserays Lens blur Lens Correction Lens Flare lensrflc LightingEffects Lights Lineart Linedemo Linefree Liquify lithograph Luce Lumopac LunarCell LunarCell-180 64 LunarCell-180 Make Cube Tile-120 Make Cube Tile-150 64 Make Iso Cube Tile Make Iso Cube -150 64 Makeaflake MasterBlaster Melancholytron Melancholytron 64 Melancholytron-150 Metalwork Mezzotint Mezzy MiniMax |
Mistifier mmCloud mmCopies mmPersTile mmPole mmTone Moodlight Moonlight mpSeamless Mr. Contrast Mr. Contrast-150 MrContrast-150 64 msChecks msChecksG msConv msDuplicate msEdge msEmboss msEmbossA msGet1Tile msHexPattern msMirrorD msPolkadot msSeamlessColor msSeamlessMirror msSeamlessMix msSeamlessPile msShadow msSharpen msShift msShiftArch msShiftRandom msShiftSlant msShiftWave msShiftZigzag msSoften msSoftenA msStripe msStripeCylinder msTileFrame msTileFrameD msTileRotate msTilingPart msTilingShrink msWarpWave n_eclouds n_tvmania neighbor neon noise Nostalgia NTSC Colors offset Opaclum Organic Edges Organic Edges 64 Organic Edges-150 Ornament-120 Ornament-150 64 Oudini Outnoise PanoWarp Pastelize Pastellise patofset PatternMaker penbio pencil pentadot Perspective PersTile phantom PhotomergeUI PhotoSharpenDemo PhotoTinter Pinch Pinocchio Pixel Trash-120 Pixel Trash-160 64 pixeldst Pleaseclayify Pointillize Polar Coordinates PopArt Porcelain |
pppgradblur ppselsat ppsoftfocus psm qtile quilt Radial Blur Radiance RastaMaster Rastamasterle raster Recursivegauss RGB to HSL-120 RGB to HSL-150 64 RGB to Lab-120 RGB to Lab-150 64 rgbspckl Ripple rndcolrs rnddithr rotate Rule30-120 Rule30-150 64bit scancrct Scanlines ScreenWorks scrndthr Seamlessborder2 Seasons Seriousfog Settrans Shadow-Highlight Sharpen Shear Silver-180 64bit Simplicity SimplyFair Sinedots Skycleaner SlidingTilePuzzle Smart Blur Smartcurve snow Softmood Softvignette SolarCell-180 64 SolarCell-180 Solarize Solid_border Solidify A-120 Solidify A-150 64 Solidify B-120 Solidify B-150 64 Solidify C-120 Solidify C-150 64 Sortingtiles Sortshaman Spacechalk Sparkles Sphere Warp A-120 Sphere Warp A 64 Sphere Warp B-120 Sphere Warp B 64 spheremap Spherize Square To Circle Square To Circ 64 Squarify Stresstest SuperBladePro 64 SuperBladePro-180 superformula Supersmooth Swap G ab d B-120 Swap G and G 64 Swap R and B-120 Swap R and B 64 Swap R and G-120 Swap R and G 64 SwapShop Swerve-180 64bit Swerve-180 Tachyon-120 Tachyon-150 64bit tandefrm Tekstya |
Texture Fill Threadmaster Tiler Tiles Tipsyness Titanium Tldejpegfe Tlm towline TransLine-120 TransLine-150 64 TransTone-120 TransTone-150 64 Trueblack&white tvnoise tvrgb Tweaker Twirl Twist-180 64bit Twist-180 Ultraviolet Ultraviolet VanishingPoint Variations Varinvert Veins-120 Veins-150 64bit Vibartions1-1 Vibrant Patterns Vibrant Patt 1 Vibrant Patt 64 Vibrant Patt 150 VibrantPatterns VignetteCorrect Vitriol-121 Vitriol-150 64 WaterRipples Wave WaveHome WaveShore Wavy Color Wavy Color 64 Wavy Color-150 Wavylab1-1 WayOuSo WCircl21 Weaver WeirMess WelSpott WeSOth WeModett WeSOTh WetDay WetSat WhiteNoise WhWigs WiBlinds WiInfin Wind wiremesh WirePilot Wireworm WirMNega WMUnlim WobEdge WobLight Woodcut Woodcut WouPhoto WowB67 XElect Xylograph xylographle xyxyPat YetNeg YukDist YukDist2 Zephyr-120 Zephyr-150 64bit ZigZag zof Zombie-140 Zombie-150 64bit |
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